NTL - for workers in the State Sector

Norsk Tjenestemannslag (The Norwegian Civil Service Union) (NTL) is a trade union for workers employed by the Norwegian state and state-related organisations, agencies and businesses, such as research institutions and formerly state-owned enterprises. NTL is also a trade union for students in studies relevant to the State Sector. All employees in these workplaces, regardless of position, can be members of NTL. NTL has approximately 50.000 members and is affiliated to LO Norway (The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions).

Collective Bargaining and Political Influence
NTL is an important political agent, influencing policies relevant to its members and the sectors in which they work. NTL also takes an active stance in favour of preserving and reinforcing the Norwegian social welfare system.
NTL takes part in collective bargaining and negotiations on salaries and working conditions, on its own or through LO Norway.

NTL perform negotiations with more than 100 employers, not only on pay and working conditions but also on a range of issues that influence our members' working lives: as contracts of employment, working hours, leaves including parental leaves, pension schemes, promotion procedures, privatisation, outsourcing and company takeovers.

NTL gives advice, defends and supports members if they have problems at work. We also:
- negotiate salary and working conditions
- campaign for safe jobs and working standards
- offer favourable benefits and services
- influence employers and the Government.

NTL is not affiliated to any political party. However, the trade union movement has set objectives, which can only be achieved through political decisions. This means that the trade union movement also has to work politically to ensure real influence on behalf of our members' interests.
For this reason, NTL attempts to influence the political parties and the elected political representatives so as to ensure that they take the trade union's views into account.

NTL is subdivided into country-wide occupational branches all with their own boards. The branches are represented at the NTL Congress, which takes place every four years. The Congress is the union's supreme body and decides on NTL's political positioning through policy documents such as the Principles and Action Programme.

All trade unionists in Norway belong to a local trade union or a trade union branch, which represents members' interests at the local level. Spread around most of Norway there are about 3000 well-trained elected trade union officers representing NTLs' members in co-determination meetings, in wage negotiations and in solving various conflicts at the local level.

International Cooperation
The trade union movement is international. It makes contacts and cooperates across borders to solve important common tasks. NTL works through international organisations such as PSI, EPSU, and NOFS and also directly with LO and national trade union movements to ensure maximised efforts for
freedom, equality and equity.

We Need You, You Need Us. Become a Union Member!
Anyone who works within the state administration, the civil service, public agencies or other enterprises in the public sector, like research institutes or cultural institutions, can become a member of NTL, regardless of position, educational background or vocation.

Students in relevant studies are welcome as student members.

To become a member, fill in the English application form.
There is also an online application form (only in Norewgian).

Member Benefits
- The most important task NTL performs is the protection of workers' rights in the workplace and negotiations on improvement of these rights formalised in collective agreements. As a union member you are part of a collective defense against employers who try to bend or stretch the rules.
- NTL offers a wide range of learning opportunities for members free of charge, from basic organisational knowledge to professional qualifications for activists and members.
- If you experience problems at your workplace, whether it is a dispute concerning failure to pay wages or holiday pay, or in the worst case, unfair dismissal or occupational injury, NTL will assist you. If necessary, a union officer might take on the case at the workplace in an effort to settle the
case by means of local negotiations. In complicated cases, NTL also provides free legal aid according to specific guidelines.
- As an NTL member you are covered by Collective Home Insurance provided by LOfavør. In addition LOfavør offers a wide range of other favourable insurances and bank services to NTL members.

The membership fee is 1.1% of your wage, plus monthly premium for the Collective Home Insurance, which is mandatory for all NTL members, and for the the Collective Travel Insurance, which is optional. See current prices for the insurances.